Monday, June 15, 2009

I Don't Know If I Am Flattered Or Deflated

We went to a picnic today. (OBTW major rain, think deluge and flash flooding)

I spent several days, combing the internet for recipes for something to take.

I found several that I combined, to create what I thought were unique and good.

Well, they were really good but not unique. Guacamole and a black bean salsa. Two dishes.

I took the leftovers to a friends house for her husband and he said they were were good, very good, but they tasted exactly as he expected.

I don't know if I am flattered or deflated.

PS. What's up with the spell check?? It hasn't worked recently and now every word is highlighted.

So how has your week been?


Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmmm why did i not get anything from the left overs?? i thought i was "your forgotten friend""

Anonymous said...

where is this myseterious message your talking about, seriously i've been looking.. lol did you ever find the person it was... or was it me and i'm just dumb! lol alright well I think you should be flattered not many people can make GOOD quac a snot so be proud :)