But, being a big Internet junkie I told her to take the networking aspect to the Internet. I have met some lovely ladies through the chat rooms and networking boards since I move here. In fact that was how I met her, and thought what better way to get the word out. Someone could possible know of a young girl that wanted to give up a baby for adoption.
I suggested to her that since the Yard Sale site had massive hits each month (6,000,000) it might be the place to start for her networking for a baby.
Well, she posted an entry on the site that they were a family that were looking to adopt. No specifics other than they loved each other and wanted to add a bundle of joy to complete the family.
Can you imagine the total shock they received when less than 24 hours after posting the message they received an email from a local gal who was 7 months pregnant and wanted to give up her baby to adoption. She had been working with another couple who backed out at the last minute and now she was desparate to find another couple to adopt the baby.
Everyone was floored.
The families met, the specifics were given. The craziness persued. The home studies, the legal documents signed and filed.
Then the wait for the baby to be born.
She was born in the middle of July and is beautiful.
The adoption process went smoothly and is just about finished.
I truly was a witness to a miracle. And to think it all started with a wisecrack about the local Yard Sale site. We now have our littlest Yardsaler.
We call her Sunshine.