Thursday, May 15, 2008

This Marriage Can Be Saved

We are down to the last few days of being in this house.

Spousal Unit took a week's vacation and is doing all the stuff that I am not able/unwilling to do. Manly things. Sure am glad that he is a manly man.

He does look good in sweat. Hmmm. Stop thinking of those things, don't have time.

We might need to address this issue later. Don't bother me now, I am still drooling over his manly, manliness. And, I need to continue in the house.

We rented a roll-off dumpster to get rid of the stuff that the garbage company wouldn't take.

Why is it, that if I spend money, the garbage/stuff can be hauled away, but the normal garbage people, that I pay for will not take? Same stuff, same dump, just different conveyance?

Also, why did I work so hard to take out the garbage, for them not to take it, when Spousal Unit was not at home?????

We have a lot of the construction debris to get rid of and just "CRAP" that should have been gone long ago.

We are also doing a lot of the outside, Spring cleanup stuff. Of course, the mower/lawn tractor gave out. We are having a record setting wet Spring, so the grass is getting out of control.

Like we need anything else to go wrong at this point?

We both keep going Hmmm. Hmmm. I really, really love you.

We will get through this. This marriage can be saved.

Think of the end goal.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like a crazy, busy time, but at least you still think hubby looks good when he sweats.

Keep your mind in the gutter, it'll keep you sane. :P

More good luck with the move!

Kim said...

I rented one of those dumpsters - best $250 I ever spent. We got rid of so much crap.

Hang in there and I'll miss you, which is weird because I never met you, but thankfully the internet is in Germany!

I foresee some great blogs about moving coming up soon!